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Frequently Asked Questions
What can I expect from class?
Music Together is designed for children ages birth through kindergarten. (*Supportive Family Class - birth through early elementary) At Music Together we believe that music ability is as much a basic life skill as walking and talking, and that all children can learn to sing in tune, keep a beat, and participate with pleasure and confidence in the music of their culture. Music Together classes nurture the child’s natural enthusiasm for music and movement as we sing, dance, chant, and play instruments in an informal setting that will enrich her musical environment and guide her towards a lifetime of music-making enjoyment.
Why aren’t there separate classes for different age groups?
In the 1980s, Music Together pioneered the development of the mixed-age approach in early childhood music. In each class we strive to create a musically rich, developmentally appropriate environment where the whole family can enjoy music and nurture skills at the level right for each child. Mixed-age classes also provide a rich learning environment because children of different ages thrive when they interact with each other: the babies are often fascinated by the older child, and the “big” children enjoy helping and sharing with the “little” ones. This approach is based on research from music education, early childhood development, and family relationships, as well as our 20 years experience in the field.
What is the class size?
Each class has 6- 12 registered children plus their primary caregiver(s). (*Supportive Family class - no more than 6 families)
Can I bring my un-registered older sibling to class?
Throughout the semester, Music Together classes may be in session when older children have a school holiday. Older siblings of registered students may occasionally visit provided the older sibling is HEALTHY and that the visit is prearranged with the office. Visitation spots are available on a first come, first serve basis.
What if I miss a class during the semester?
Families are allowed two makeups per semester. Makeups are available at any location. You can schedule a make-up online by logging onto your account and clicking "my classes". (Please note: makeups do not carry over from previous semesters). If you know you’ll miss a class during the semester, please let us know and we will inform the teacher.
Can I switch to a different class?
Changes can be made depending on class availability.
What if I need to withdraw from class?
Families wishing to withdrawal from class must do so before the start of each semester (typically the first day of classes). Families are responsible for class attendance. Non-attendance does not constitute a withdrawal and all tuition fees are forfeited if the office is not informed of your withdrawal before the first class. If circumstances necessitate withdrawal from class, please call the office.
What if I start classes after the semester begins?
Late registration will be handled on a case by case basis.
Can we eat in class?
Please feel comfortable to nurse your child in class, but we ask that you not bring food or drink into classrooms.
Is it OK for more than one adult to come to class?
Both or either parent, grandparents or caregivers are welcome to attend class at any time – no need to ask. Whole family music making in your home is extremely valuable to your child's musical development, and attending class occasionally helps the other family members to join in at home.
As a parent, what is my role in class?
Enhance your child's experience in class by remembering to sing, sing, sing. Your active participation is the key to your children learning and growing musically. Support the creation of a music only environment while in class by not talking to your children or other adults during the 45 minutes. Since it is difficult for a young child to mask out adult conversation please wait to socialize till after class, and instead contribute to the creation of a musical environment for the children to absorb.
Try not to give verbal directions. It can be tough to restrain the impulse to give your child directives such as "Do what she is doing, hold your instrument this way” but children respond best by just seeing and hearing you doing (and enjoying) it yourself! Wandering toddlers is fine, but If you want your child to come back to you, avoid calling to him from across the room. If necessary, redirect your child physically back to you or the circle. Of course watch out for your child’s safety, but mostly your job is to just relax, and have fun!
How should we use the Music Together Materials?
Play your CD/ downloaded songs at home and in the car as frequently as possible, especially during the first few weeks of class. Make it available to your child to listen to while she is playing or before nap or bedtime. Use the songbook to help you remember the songs or to play along if you play an instrument. Try using the songbook at storytime instead of a regular book, and sing through the songs as you go along. Looking at the printed notes on the page will help children understand that music is something that can be read, like words. Familiarization with notation will help them when they are more ready for formal music instruction, typically when they are school aged.
New Music Together parents receive our introductory DVD “Music Together at Home: Helping Your Child Grow Musically”. During class your teacher will refer to topics and point out examples of things covered in the video. We are also happy to discuss your child's individual progress in obtaining musical competence at any time outside of class. If you are a returning student and it has been months or years since you have read the Parent Guide or seen the new DVD, reread it or ask for a copy of the DVD today! You may be surprised how valuable it is, especially after having personal experience observing your child's music development.
Where can I buy some of the instruments we have in class?
Look for our Annual Fundraiser at Holiday Time to purchase a wide variety of quality instruments or Music Together Story books. Gift Certificates, instruments and Music Together Story books are also available for purchase for use at home or as gifts directly from us at our Store
May I bring a camera to class?
Occasionally classes at Music Together are professionally photographed and/or videotaped. These photographs/videos are sometimes used for publicity purposes. Parents will, in instances where these images are intended for publicity purposes, be asked to sign the appropriate release forms. As our classes are participatory and educational experiences between adults and children, we ask our families to please refrain from taking photo or video during class time, however we welcome pictures before or after class.
Do you offer gift certificates?
Gift certificates for any amount towards Music Together classes can be purchased at any time. It makes a nice baby shower or birthday gift. Grandparents love to buy these for holiday gifts. Let us know if you would like it sent directly to the recipient or to the purchaser.
Please note: Gift Certificates can be applied to your account for future registrations.
Cell Phone policy:
Since Music Together is a program based on adult modeling and our goal is to provide a rich musical environment for the children to experience, we thank you for putting your cell phones on silent and not bringing them into the class area.
Discounts and Codes
Discount coupons / codes are limited to one use per registration and my not be combined for multiple discounts.